서경대학교 대학원


[GKS-G] 2025 Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Program Application for Graduate Degrees


Application Track: University Track (General)


List of Available Departments: https://buly.kr/NjAlui


Submission Period for Application

  March 1 (Sat) Apr 4 (Fri), 2025

Deadline: Apr 4, 2025 (Cannot be extended).

(Necessary)All applications must be submitted online via Google Form
Submission Link: https://forms.gle/4dmMKHxcgRSv8jJMA

Your application documents must physically arrive at the university by the deadline.


Interview Period:

???? April 15 (Tue) April 17 (Thu), 2025

Only applicants who pass the document review will be invited for an interview.

Details will be informed via email.

The interview will be conducted via Zoom (KST).


Postal Address for Document Submission:

 GKS Korean Language Program

 Yudam Building, #1014,

 124 Seokyeong-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02713, Republic of Korea

 서울시 성북구 서경로 124, 서경대학교 유담관 1014GKS사업단 (02713)



Important Notes Regarding Application Submission:

-Seokyeong University strictly follows NIIED’s guidelines regarding document requirements and application conditions.

-All required certificates (refer to the List of Documents to Submit) must be apostilled or consular-confirmed.

-Applicants must check and follow NIIED's guidelines carefully.

-Any additional documents required by the university must be submitted directly to Seokyeong University.

-A comprehensive evaluation will be conducted, including learning ability, academic qualifications, and financial capacity.

-If an applicant is deemed unfit for academic success at the university, they may not be selected, regardless of the number of admissions.

-Missing the interview will result in disqualification.

-For Art and Sports applicants, a practical performance test may be required, and results will be included in the final evaluation.

-Some Art and Sports departments may require a portfolio submission.

-If an applicant's interview and test scores (including practical test scores) do not meet the minimum standards, they will be disqualified.


Inquiry and Application Submission Contact Information:

TEL: +82-2-940-2958

E-mail: skugks@skuniv.ac.kr


Graduate School Admissions: https://grad.skuniv.ac.kr/

GKS Korean Language Program: http://skugks.com

SKUGKS Instagram: @sku_gks


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